The residency program provides an artist with housing and a studio for one month. The artist’s time is driven by their individual needs, there are no specific requirements for them for their time in residence. The program values process over productivity, it is meant to be a time for creative reflection and generative thinking. They will be given extended mentorship throughout the year from the time that they arrive at Inland. This culminates with a solo exhibition the following summer in the exhibition space. 

The program is structured to create lasting connections between both Inland and the artist and the artist with the community here. It pushes past providing time and space to provide long term relationships and connectivity. The program is personally directed and adaptable, beginning with advanced planning and meetings with the artists prior to them arriving from their residency. 


Jamie Gray Williams

INLAND is pleased to host Jamie Gray Williams as our 2024 Resident Artist. 

Jamie Gray Williams, born in Indiana, received her Masters of Fine Arts from Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University in 2017. Working primarily in painting and drawing, Williams utilizes fantasy and humor to explore questions about inter-subjective limits and the complex relationships of mind and body, imagination and reality, self and others. Her work merges moments in art history such as Futurism and Cubism with imagery that recalls the choreographed gestures of comedy acts like Buster Keaton, Punch and Judy,  and The Three Stooges. Williams was a 2015 participant at the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. Her work has been exhibited at JDJ, New York, NY; PM/AM, London, UK; the Evansville Museum of Arts, History, and Science, Evansville, IN; Selenas Mountain, Ridgewood, NY; Little Berlin, Philadelphia, PA, and is in the collection of the University of Southern Indiana. Williams currently maintains a studio in Philadelphia.